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Santa Cruz Bridge Center
2450 17th Avenue, Suite 200
Santa Cruz,CA 95062

Bridge Practice

(click picture to go to site)



Bridge Master 2000 (SCBEF Edition)
This special edition, specifically assembled for advancing beginners, is provided thru the Santa Cruz Bridge Education Foundation. To obtain a copy, which costs $20, please contact the Bridge Master 2000 Administrator at

Bridge Master (BBO Edition)
This is an online version of all the Bridge Master 2000 deals. For $0.25 per 30 minutes of play you have access to any level and any deal from the Bridge Master 2000 library. Here's the steps to access, assuming you are not already a Bridge Base Online (BBO) user:

  1. Go to the BBO website home page
  2. Note: Allow Adobe Flash...if possible
  3. Join BBO (Free)
  4. Purchase BB$ ($5 to start)
  5. Return to Home and click Practice
  6. Click Bridge Master

If you have less than 100MPs, we suggest you start with the Level 1 - Beginner "A" group. If you find these are too easy, specifically that you successfully make the contract without using the "Undo" key, then move to the next Level, and so on. If you get 50% of the Expert Level correct, please contact me as I'm always looking for good partners.

Bridge Master 2000 (Standard Edition)
Click on the Bridge Master 2000 on the left to order the Standard Edition online.


Larry Cohen's Bidding Practice


Larry Cohen, winner of 26 national championships and many other prestigious events, has made available hundreds of practice bidding hands on his web site.


You and your partner download East & West hands and bid them. Then you compare them against the pros. It is a terrific way to confirm your understandings with your partner.


Phillip Alder Bridge


Since 1991, syndicated columnist with Newspaper Enterprise Association, appearing six times a week in about 400 papers, including the China Daily! This is a link to his new web site which is subscription-based.


Frank Stewart
hosted by Baron Barclay

Frank Stewart, the creator of the popular "Daily Bridge Club" column, has been involved writing about bridge for many years.




The playBridge Hand Generator is a bridge training and education tool. Use one of three available generator screens and playBridge will shuffle and deal for you. Use it to practice bidding with your partner, to visualize hands, to resolve what-if situations or to produce pre-filled duplicate forms. You can also save generated boards to a .pbn file for driving Dealer4.