American Contract Bridge League

Of Santa Cruz Unit 550, Inc.

June 11, 2008


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order June 11, 2008, by President Mary Peterson at 3:37 pm at the Santa Cruz Bridge Center.


Present:  Jeanne Boss, John Hadley, Carol Maggipinto, Charlie Pender, Mary Peterson, Harold Rogers,

Don Seldeen, Bonnie Simon

Absent:  Nancy Driscoll

Also attending: Ken Llacera, Bill McIntosh, Sherry Gilbreath


Approval of May Minutes – It was moved by Hal Rogers, seconded by John Hadley and approved unanimously to accept the minutes of the May 14, 2008 board meeting.


President’s Report:

2009 299’r “Rising Stars” Sectional  - The search continues for a site for the 2009 299’r Rising Stars Sectional.  Rental prices have gone up and if a reasonably priced site cannot be located the board will have to decide whether or not to hold the 299’r sectional next year.

2008 “Surfs Up” Open Sectional -  This sectional will be held October 11 and 12, 2008 at Harbor High School.

“Ask the President” column  -  The board supported adding an “Ask the President” section to the Unit News bulletin board.  The purpose is to give the president a venue to respond to club members’ questions on items that might be of interest to other players.

Informational Brochure - Mary will contact Nancy Driscoll and Jonnie Faircrest regarding publishing an SCBC informational brochure to be made available to new members and to people seeking general information about the schedule of games, times, location, etc.  This would be in addition to the specific game calendar which is published quarterly by the Unit Board on the website and available at the Bridge Center.


Treasurer’s report – It was moved by Charlie Pender, seconded by Carol Maggipinto and approved unanimously to accept the treasurer’s report for May 2008.


New Business

Subsidy for beginner game – The newly established Monday night 49’r game has been having from two to five tables per evening.  It is not financially worthwhile for the director to conduct a game with only two tables, however, there is potential for the attendance to increase due to new students transferring from lessons to duplicate games and promotion of the game.  Therefore, the board has agreed to subsidize the Monday night 49’r game for a limited period of time.  It was moved by Don Seldeen, seconded by Hal Rogers and approved unanimously to provide a subsidy to Bill McIntosh’s Monday night 0-49’r game to make up the difference between the actual income and $100/game for the months of June, July and August, 2008.  It was also noted that the opportunity to come to the board to request a subsidy is available to each club owner who wants to specifically target beginner players


Old Business

Pick-a-square lottery – John Hadley reported that the lottery board is full and the lottery drawing will take place Saturday, June 14th, just prior to the start of the unit game.  The winning numbers will be randomly drawn from a large container of 100 numbers.  It was noted that it is okay for board members and club owners to win.  Mary thanked John Hadley, Ken Llacera, Hal Rogers and Don Seldeen for getting this project off the ground.

ACBL Goodwill Member of the Year Nominations – Mary read information from ACBL regarding nomination of a Goodwill Player of the Year.  Ken Llacera will put information on the website announcing the opportunity for Bridge Center members to make recommendations to the board. The board will review any recommendations at the September monthly meeting.

Subsidized Toilets -  John Hadley reported that Soquel Creek Water District will subsidize the installation of low flush toilets to the amount of $650/toilet including the toilet and installation.  The waiting period is 6 months.  There is also an option of purchasing the toilets now and the Bridge Center installing them; in that case SCWD will subsidize $250/toilet.  There was discussion that the problem with the toilets might be fixed by replacing the flushing device.  Charlie will replace the flushing device to see if that takes care of the problem.  John will continue to research the options.


Committee Reports

299’r Coordinator  Nancy Driscoll – absent, no report

By-Laws – Don Seldeen, no report

Club Owners Liaison – Bonnie Simon reported that the directors have occasionally found the front door open in the morning apparently because a player has gone out the front door after it has been locked without advising the director so it could be relocked.  It was suggested that directors of night games advise the players of this problem and ask them to please leave by the back door or advise the director when they are going out the front door so the door can be relocked.

Education Liaison – Nancy Wainer, absent.  Nancy had advised Mary that Bridge Camp is full and Phil Rodriguez’s class is also full.  Mary expressed the appreciation of the board to Nancy for her efforts in new player development.

Facilities – Charlie Pender reported that he has purchased a standing fan to help in cooling off the Bridge Center on hot days.  He has installed the outdoor lighting, but it is not working so he will check the fuses.  The light over the outside door will be replaced.  He is bringing in a replacement soft-drink refrigerator. The board authorized Charlie to purchase an 8-foot stepladder.

Finance – Ken Llacera reported that the Bridge Center’s portfolio is down, but it will be back up.  He will report on the status of the Foundation at a future meeting.

Hospitality – Mary Peterson thanked Charlie for hosting the potluck at the May unit game, and Don in advance for hosting the June unit game lunch.  Jeanne will host the July unit game lunch which will have a tropical theme.

Membership – Carol Maggipinto, no report

Publicity – Bonnie Simon distributed a proposal at a previous meeting and would like to discuss it at the July meeting.

Sanctions – Hal Rogers reported that we have the sanctions for the next three unit games.  The unit games are currently under a director’s sanction.  Hal will contact ACBL to see about getting the unit game sanctions associated with the unit.

Special Projects – John Hadley, see above reports.

Webmaster – Ken Llacera, no report


Executive Session

At 4:32 pm the board adjourned to executive session to discuss the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on  the Expense Sharing Agreement between the Unit and SCBA (Santa Cruz Bridge Association).  Present were the board members and Ken Llacera, a member of the Ad Hoc Committee.

After discussion, it was moved by Charlie Pender and seconded by Carol Maggipinto to approve the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee. Aye’s – 7, No’s – 1.  Mary announced that Don Seldeen will head the Unit negotiating team.  Other members of the team are Mary Peterson, Ken Llacera, Nancy Driscoll and Bonnie Simon.


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 3:30 p.m. at SCBC


Adjournment:     The meeting adjourned at 5:07 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Jeanne Boss

Recording Secretary