American Contract Bridge League

Of Santa Cruz Unit 550, Inc.

December 12, 2007



Call to Order: The meeting was called to order December 12, 2007 by President Mary Peterson at 3:33 pm at the Santa Cruz Bridge Center.


Present:  Jeanne Boss, Nancy Driscoll, Mary Peterson, Harold Rogers, Bonnie Simon

Also attending:  Ken Llacera, Susan Slinger, Jack Simon, Mark Hasey, Bill McIntosh

Absent:   Carol Maggipinto, Charlie Pender, John Hadley, Don Seldeen


Election of Officers  - In accordance with Article VIII, Section 8.3 of the By-Laws, Nancy Driscoll nominated the following slate of officers to serve from December 2007 to December 2008:

President, Mary Peterson; First Vice President, Harold Rodgers; Second Vice President, Bonnie Simon; Treasurer, Don Seldeen; Secretary, Jeanne Boss.  Seconded by Hal Rodgers, approved unanimously.


Number of Board Members – In accordance with Article VII, Section 7.3(a) of the By-Laws, Hal Rodgers moved that the exact number of directors shall be fixed at nine (9).  Seconded by Nancy Driscoll, approved unanimously.


Standing Committees -  In accordance with Article IX, Section 9.1, Jeanne Boss moved that the following standing committees and chairs be confirmed:  By-Laws, Don Seldeen; Facilities, Charlie Pender; 299’r Coordinator, Nancy Driscoll; Hospitality, Mary Peterson; Membership, Carol Maggipinto; Publicity, Bonnie Simon; Sanctions, Hal Rodgers;  Special Projects, John Hadley; 299’r Sectional, Nancy Driscoll.  Seconded by Hal Rodgers, approved unanimously.


Advisory Committees -  In accordance with Article IX, Section 9.3, Nancy Driscoll moved that the following advisory committees and non-Board chairs be confirmed:  Ad Hoc, Susan Slinger; Education, Nancy Wainer; Finance, Ken Llacera; Judiciary, Susan Slinger; FORUM Editor, Susan Benich; Newsletter Editor, Jonni Faircrest; Open Sectional, Pam Benz; Webmaster, Ken Llacera.  Seconded by Hal Rodgers, approved unanimously.


Approval of Nov. Minutes  It was moved by Hal Rodgers, seconded by Nancy Driscoll and approved unanimously to accept the minutes of the November 14, 2007 board meeting.


Board Contact Information – Jeanne will collect the name, contact information, and ACBL number of each Board member and will forward it to ACBL as required by ACBL.


Pro Tem Secretary -  In Jeanne’s absence, Diana Schilling will take the minutes for the Board in February 2008 and Mary will find another person to take the minutes in January 2008.


Treasurer’s Report – In Don Seldeen’s absence, Ken Llacera gave each Board member a copy of the  Treasurer’s report.  The original budget for 2007 underestimated dividend income and as a result the assets of $374,561 are $5K ahead as of 11/30/07, and it is expected that SCBC will end the year with net worth higher than the beginning of the year. Hal Rodgers moved to accept the report.  Seconded by Bonnie Simon, unanimously accepted.


Budget Review -  Ken plans to have the new budget proposal ready before the January 2008 meeting.  He gave a brief explanation of how the budget is developed. 


Checking Account   It was moved by Hal Rodgers to have Don Seldeen replace Lois Henry as signatory on the bank account; add Mary Peterson as signatory; allow Ken Llacera as Chairperson of the Finance Committee access to the account information, but not signatory.  Seconded by Bonnie Simon and unanimously approved.  There was discussion of bonding persons with bank account and investment account access.  Mary requested that Ken Llacera and Don Seldeen investigate these questions and get back to the board.


Old Business

Garbage Can/Garden Project  Jack Simon presented a proposal with a sketch and estimated budget of $300 prepared by himself and Jerry Goodell to make the area where the garbage cans are kept more aesthetically pleasing.  Hal Rodgers offered to donate some black slate to the project. If approved, they will begin work after the holidays. It was moved by Hal Rodgers to proceed with the project as proposed. Seconded by Bonnie Simon, approved unanimously. 


Expense Sharing Agreement/Club Owners – Bill McIntosh gave a presentation on how club owners and non-club-owner directors get paid using a model that showed fixed expenses (rent and insurance) and variable expenses (maid, PG&E and supplies) and how these costs are divided among the owners and SCBC, along with income from the games and fees paid to ACBL to run the games. There was also discussion of the fees for conducting lessons and the possibility of renting the building for community meetings functions when it is not being used for a game or lesson, however, it could be problematic if it involved taking down and setting up the tables and chairs. Mary thanked Bill for his presentation.  It was agreed to address the Expense Sharing Agreement at the next board meeting and the topic was tabled for continued discussion by the board.  


New Business

Request for advertising subsidy – Bill McIntosh has placed an ad in the Santa Cruz Sentinel promoting the “Learn to Play Bridge” series of 10 lessons for beginners to start Monday, January 14, 2008, 7:00 pm. ($528).   ACBL reimburses 75%, and Bill requested reimbursement of the remaining 25% ($132) from SCBC.  There was discussion of follow up to the beginner lessons, which is a series of 10 lessons at the intermediate level.  Ken offered to place the ad in the Pasatiempo newsletter and homeowners’ website and will make some flyers to promote the lessons.  Mark Hasey said that the other club owners support Bill in this project.  Bill stated that SCBC has subsidized such advertising in the past. Mary said the board would review the request and get back to him.


Board Training  Mary asked the board members to acquaint themselves with the information on the ACBL website under “Units and Districts” that relates to each board member’s function.  Ken noted that there are handbooks available on the site for persons who chair committees.


2008 Goals -  It was moved by Hal Rodgers to adopt the 2008 Goals a copy of which is attached to these minutes. Seconded by Nancy Driscoll, approved unanimously.  The 2008 Goals will be posted on the bulletin board at the Bridge Center.


Committee Reports

299’r Coordinator – Nancy Driscoll reported that including a 199’r section at the unit game was very popular and well received by the players.  It was moved by Nancy to have a minimum three-table 199’r section at the regular unit games.  Seconded by Hal Rodgers, approved unanimously.

Nancy has created a form for free play reimbursement to directors.  There was discussion of who is eligible for “free play”.  Ken will check the policy regarding free play and get back to Nancy and the board.

By-Laws -  Don Seldeen not present, no report

Club Owner Liaison – Bonnie Simon met with Sherry Gilbreath, nothing to report

Education – Nancy Wainer, not present, no report

Facilities – Charlie Pender, not present, no report

Finance – Ken Llacera gave a presentation to the board from the Finance Committee regarding the status of the SCBC investment portfolio with regard to the exchange project that involves diversifying the portfolio. The Finance Committee recommends deleting the remaining exchange cycle, except for the exchange into the Total Bond Index Fund and adding 12 exchanges next year to dollar-cost average into Vanguard's REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) index fund (VGSIX) in order to provide exposure to the RE market in SCBC's portfolio. By the end of 2008, approximately 4% of the total portfolio would be allocated to the REIT fund.  It was moved by Hal Rodger to adopt the recommendation of the Finance Committee.  Seconded by Nancy Driscoll, approved unanimously.  Bonnie Simon asked to be copied on the email discussions of the finance committee.

Hospitality – Mary Peterson reported the December unit game went very well and offered to assist the various board members with their unit game hospitality responsibilities, if needed.  The schedule is posted on the bulletin board.

Membership – Carol Maggipinto, not present, no report

Publicity/FORUM/Newsletter - Bonnie Simon.  The role of this new committee is to act as liaison with the Forum and newsletter editors to give them information regarding board actions that might be of interest to readers and to handle community publicity, as needed.  It was suggested that the ACBL website may have some suggestions on publicity activities. 

Sanctions – Hal Rodgers reported that game sanctions are current to March.  He will do the sanction for the sectional in October.

Special Projects – John Hadley, not present.  Mary expressed appreciation for the work that John and his crew have done in helping to improve the lighting and plumbing at the center.

299’er Tournament – Nancy Driscoll, no report.

SCBC Website  - Ken Llacera requested feedback from the board regarding the 299’r poster on the website.  New Board of Directors are listed on the website and Ken will add a listing of the committee heads.

Next Meeting:  Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 3:30 p.m. at SCBC.

The meeting adjourned at 5:10 pm.


Respectfully submitted,



Jeanne Boss

Recording Secretary


Attachment  (Goals for 2008)
















































Unit 550




 2008 GOALS




1.     Develop & implement a marketing strategy to recruit new players.


2.     Create more learning opportunities for novice/intermediate players.


3.     Launch a pilot program of youth bridge in Santa Cruz County. (i.e. GATE program, Boys/Girls Club, etc.)


4.     Update “EXPENSE SHARING AGREEMENT” between the Santa Cruz Bridge Association (Club Owners) and the Board of Directors of Unit 550.


5.     Update By-Laws to conform to ACBL requirements.


6.     Sponsor two profitable sectional tournaments (299’er and Open).


7.     Assure adequate Board training for future Board leaders.


8.     Maintain and improve appearance and amenities of SCBC.


9.     Plan and publicize monthly Unit Games to attract maximum attendance; increase number of Unit Games; add 199’er section at every Unit Game.